Plugins GUI (Ver. 1.3)

Monday, December 08th, 2008 | Author:

Descrizione: dopo una lunga gestazione sto rilasciando la nuova release del mio primo plugin (Atom Fix). Questa nuova release non modifica e non migliora le funzionalità presenti ma garantisce che il plugin sia aggiornabile in modo automatico da WordPress 🙂 .

Per garantire questo si sono rese necessarie alcune modifiche, che hanno reso la nuova versione non compatibile con la precedente. Una di queste modifiche consiste nel fatto che il plugin (precedentemente fornito insieme ad Atom Fix), cioè EP_Tools (Eros Pedrini Tools) – Administrative GUI, è stato sostituito dal qui presente EP Tools Plugins GUI, che garantisce le stesse funzionalità con i più alcune nuove feature 🙂 ma che soprattutto viene fornito come plugin a se stante.

Questo plugin, come il suo predecessore, si occupa di mostrare in una pagina unica le interfacce di configurazione dei miei plugin (EP Tools), in modo tale da minimizzare la prolificazione dei menu e delle pagine nell’area di amministrazione di WordPress.

Le nuove feature sono:

  • completo supporto all’auto-upgrade di WordPress;
  • possibilità di un full-uninstall eliminando anche i dati memorizzati in WordPress;
  • supporto al full-uninstall dei plugin (se presente);
  • caricamento dinamico dei plugin nell’interfaccia automatizzato.

Installazione: per una corretta installazione è necessario seguire i seguenti passi:

  1. rimuovere il plugin EP_Tools (Eros Pedrini Tools) – Atom Fix (se presente). Questo passaggio non è necessario se la versione di questo plugin è 2.0 o superiore;
  2. rimuovere il plugin EP_Tools (Eros Pedrini Tools) – Administrative GUI (se presente);
  3. copiare la cartella ep-tools-eros-pedrini-tools-gui nella cartella wp-content/plugins di WordPress;
  4. attivare il plugin dall’interfaccia di amministrazione.

Download: È possibile scaricare il file zip dell’ultima versione qui: EP Tools – Plugins GUI. Oppure è possibile utilizzare lo spazio offerto da

For people don’t speak Italian 🙂 :

Description: After long time, I’m ready to release the new version of my first WordPress plugin: Atom Fix. This new version doesn’t improve original plugin features, but make possible to use WordPress auto-upgrade functionality.

In order to support WordPress auto-upgrade functionality, the new version is not compatible with the old one 🙁 : this happens because the original plugin was composed (effectively) from two plugins: EP_Tools (Eros Pedrini Tools) – Administrative GUI that manages my plugins’ GUI and EP_Tools (Eros Pedrini Tools) – Atom Fix that is the true plugin. In this new release EP_Tools (Eros Pedrini Tools) – Administrative GUI has been removed in favor of EP Tools Plugins GUI (the plugin of this page 😉 ) that has the same functionalities (and some others 😉 ) and it’s a standalone plugin.

This plugin (EP Tools Plugins GUI) is responsible to manage the GUIs of my plugins. This plugin collect all the configuration interface in a single page in order to minimize the impact on WordPress Administrative area.

The new features are:

  • full support to WordPress auto-upgrade functionality;
  • full-uninstall for this plugin (remove all plugin’s data stored in WordPress database);
  • full-uninstall for supported plugin (if  available);
  • plugin’s GUI loading full automated.

Install: following, the steps needed to install this plugin:

  1. remove EP_Tools (Eros Pedrini Tools) – Atom Fix, if it is installed and if its version is below 2.0;
  2. remove EP_Tools (Eros Pedrini Tools) – Administrative GUI, if it is installed;
  3. copy the ep-tools-eros-pedrini-tools-gui folder in the WordPressfolder wp-content/plugins;
  4. activate the plugin from the WordPress plugin interfece.

Download: You can download the last version from here, or you can use the page.

Category: Informatica, plugin
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  1. ovidiu says:

    I don’t underrstand what this plugin does, could you please post a screenshot?

  2. Eros Pedrini says:

    Right, I admit that my English is not very good… so it’s really possible that what this plugin does is not clear… sorry 🙁

    This plugin is the GUI (Graphical User Interface) part of all my plugins, therefore all my plugins need this as prerequisite to work correctly.

    Yes, of course, at the moment (December, 9th 2008), I release only the Atom Fix plugin, but during this week I’ll release my second plugin: a plugin that fixs validation problem of Thickbox 3.1 .

    Thanks for your question 🙂

    P.S. after the release of the Thickbox related plugin, I’ll add some screenshots at this post 😉


  3. ovidiu says:

    cool thank you 🙂

  4. custos82 says:

    I’ve installed the GUI Plugin and activated it, but there isn’t any interface where I can manage anything (I’ve also installed the Thickbox Fix Plugin). Where should that interface link actually appear?

  5. Eros Pedrini says:

    Dear custos82,
    the GUI Plugin interface should appear under the “Manage” section as “EP Tools Plugins GUI”.
    If you find “EP Tools Plugins GUI” under the “Manage” section, but it’s empty, probably the problem consists in the installation order.
    The right installation order is:
    1st) GUI Plugin
    2nd) Thickbox Plugin

    If you find any other problem, don’t hesitate to contact me again (for this week I’m out of my country for work meeting, therefore I have limited connectivity and I can’t guarantee a fast answer).


  6. custos82 says:

    Hi Eros,

    thanks for your answer. “EP Tools Plugins GUI” showed up under “Posts” where I haven’t looked before because I did’nt expect it to be there. For me it makes more sense to appear in “Settings” for example. But gladly I found it 😉

    I still have a question concerning the Thickbox Plugin. I’ve installed everything (in the right order). Now I’ve checked the box for “Fix Thickbox 3.1 CSS validation problem”. What does this option do? It seems to have no effect. CSS Validation still fails. Do I have to check the box for “Enable Thickbox 3.1 to reset CSS” as well? Do I have to do anything else to get a valid CSS?

    Thanks in advance for your help.

  7. Eros Pedrini says:

    Hi custos82,
    the plugin is visualized under “Post”… strange… may ask you what version of WordPress you are using? I don´t test deeply the plugin under 2.7 … but I promise to do it after my return in Italy.

    In any case the option “Fix Thickbox 3.1 CSS validation problem”, should substitute the original thickbox css file with a new one and add a javascript script (based on JQuery) to fix Thickbox validation problem.


  8. custos82 says:

    Hi Eros,

    the WordPress version I’m using is in fact 2.7.0. Maybe that’s also the cause why the Thickbox Fix doesn’t work. thickbox.css is located in wp-includes/js/thickbox/. Do I have to manually set access rights for this folder so that the old thickbox.css can be replaced?

  9. Eros Pedrini says:

    Hi custos82,
    I will return at home this weekend, so I think that I’ll have time to test the plugin under WordPress 2.7… please stay tuned 🙂

    P.S. My plugin don’t change the original thickbox css, but uses WordPress api in order to substitute on the fly the css… probably some WordPress hook works differently from 2.6.x and 2.7.x


  10. Telpiply says:

    mm… thank you..

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