I apologies for Atom Fix Plugin (i.e. scusaaaaa)

Friday, December 12th, 2008 | Author:

Devo chiedere scusa per i bug presenti nelle release 2.0 e 2.1 (che doveva fissare un bug della 2.0, ma ne ha aggiunto uno nuovo) del mio plugin Atom Fix. La versione attuale (la 2.2) sembra scevra da problemi.

For people don’t speak Italian 🙂 :

I apologies for bugs present in the last two version of my plugin Atom Fix: 2.0 and 2.1 (that should fixs a bug present in 2.0). The new release (the 2.2) seems to be free from any bugs (I hope 😉 ).

Category: Informatica, plugin
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  1. baron says:

    hi. Thanks for plugin



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